Monday, April 25, 2011

Enter Gillian Best's World of Pigeon Racing

Description: Carbunckle’s Flight follows a dysfunctional family’s struggle to cope with father Charlie’s obsession with pigeon racing.


When the bell rings Seamus Carbunckle rushes to the bike racks. He looks around for his best friend; through the crowd of hoodie-wearing, gum-chewing teens, he sees Lloyd in his usual hand-me-downs.

“Dude,” Seamus calls out. “You gotta tell your folks those pants are slowing you down.”

“I can tell them every day,” he says hitching up his over-sized trousers. “But it’s not going to change anything.”

Draping his lock across his chest, Seamus nudges his bicycle toward the street. “Today’s the day.”

“You’ve been saying that all week.”

Seamus pushes off the curb and looks right, left, and right again. There is a familiar lull in the traffic – when the lights a block north and a block south are both amber – that allows the boys to dart across the five lanes of rush-hour traffic. He hops the curb on the other side, swerving to avoid a tranny in training heels.

“Get off the sidewalk, you shit!” she shrieks. [READ MORE HERE]


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